Friday, November 11, 2011

Things I'm Grateful For

It's that time of year where people stop to really think about what they are thankful for. I've paused
to think lately, at the prompting of others, as well as just seeing how truly fortunate I am, about the many
things that I am grateful for.


1)The security I have in my salvation in Christ Jesus:

(To better understand the plan of salvation, you can go to .)

"For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Rom 8.38-39)

2) God's gift of all 5 senses, and the full use of my assets. I can see, smell, touch, taste, and hear. I can
walk/run and work with my hands. I can serve others. How wonderful!

3) God's gift of beauty. He didn't give us a flat, grey world. He chose to give us many wonderful things to
enjoy. A sunset with inky black tree silhouettes, flowers, vibrant fall leaves, and the toasty smells of
leaves and wood burning. All of these are Autumn delights that I treasure. I also just love the smell of the
leaves changing along with the crispness of the Fall air.

4) Again, coffee. :) I had an amazing cup of peppermint coffee this morning. I also love my cinnamon

5) Cozy blankets, and warm hoodies.

6) Friends to share in laughter.

7) My dear friends' precious baby girl Ariana. :) I'm just a little biased. She's very precious.

8) I am amazed that God allowed me to travel abroad this year. Lately I've taken it more for granted;
but when I really thing about it, it's astounding. God actually let me do what I've been dreaming of
doing! It makes me wonder what other incredible things He has in store for me.

What are you thankful for? Make sure to stop and count your blessings. It just might turn your day around! :)