Sunday, July 31, 2011

Eating in Riga

Fanta's a big deal in Europe. I'm enjoying it every chance I get.:)


Sitting in the coffee place/restaurant.

Rachel commented that the things on the ceiling look like burners from a stove.


  1. Is the Fanta made with real sugar or High Fructose Corn syrup? I'll bet it's real sugar. I'm pretty sure that High Fructose Corn Syrup is just something that is used in America because it's cheaper. I think Jared said that the Mountain Dew in Afghanistan was way better than America's because they use real sugar. The Fanta you have probably tastes way better than its American counterpart too.

  2. It looks like it is made with real sugar. It says it's made with suhkar, the Latvian word for sugar. It's also made with 100% natural flavourings. Yeah, it tastes WAY better! I didn't we have Fanta in the U.S.?

  3. Correction: I think it's spelled,"suhkur"...I just put the bottle back in the fridge...anyway, you get the point. :p

  4. This looks like a fun place :-)
    What flavor is this drink?

  5. Hi Shaina, I'm so enjoying reading about your experiences and so happy for you having this adventure! Love, Aunt Julie

  6. I hadn't gotten back on to check for new comments until today, so to answer your question, yes we have Fanta in the US. I think there are at least three different flavors at Hy-Vee.

    I just looked it up on wikipedia, and according to them, there are over 90 different flavors worldwide, but the American orange flavor is completely different from the original European orange flavor and has been banned in some other countries due to health concerns about some of the ingredients. This is not surprising to me in the least. Americans use way too many artificial ingredients simply because it's cheaper.
