Thursday, July 25, 2013

Imagine It: Uninhibited Flight Through Galaxies

I'm floating, flying through galaxies. Refreshing winds blow
about and support me. Everything is black--no, now there's a puff
of purple, a splash of magenta, and a dash of blue. I pick up
speed. Nothing is impossible as I soar through the stars and
let my imagination run wild.

I spin, dip, and lay on my back as I coast each current that comes
my way. It's all so amazing! I'm released into a state of

Now things are zooming in. I'm hitting the speed of light.
Streaks of magenta and white stream passed me, then blue,
into more sparkling black skies. Now I'm seeing a haze
of gold into more magenta. I slow down. I coast. I float. I'm still.
I pause in awe of the stars and planets as they orbit.

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