Thursday, June 9, 2011

Oh sweet happy thought! Wonka Bottlecaps

Every once in awhile I get a nostalgic craving for one of the candies
I ate as a little girl. At the time I got them they were available almost
anywhere; now I can only find them in the Five and Dime store in the
next town over, or online. I prefer to get them at the former location.:)

Bottlecaps are shaped like their namesake, but have the consistency
about like Smarties. They come in 5 different flavors: Orange, Cola,
Cherry, Grape, and Root Beer. I have to say Root Beer is my
favorite flavor.:)

When I was little they came in flat little pouches. Now I can buy
them by the roll. How sweet is that? It's hard not to eat them all
in one sitting. Sometimes I have to discipline myself to divide them
up so that they'll last longer.:)

YUM! : D

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