Thursday, June 2, 2011

Today's Happy Thought: Summer Breeze (er, Wind)

As I live out in the country here in the Midwest of the U.S. of A.,
I have taken great pleasure at the onset of summer. The rise in temps
and humidity has given me a sense of gratitude at the moment. I look
back on the winter that we had, and I do not miss it. Right now I'm
savoring the strong, cool winds that make the slightly humid hot day
paradise. The combination is what you might call a vacation that has
blown into my back yard. This wind dances with the tall grasses in
the fields and ditches, flies with the birds, teases the animals' fur,
blows through the barn, and tugs and pushes at the clouds. It plays
tag with the flowers, cools the weary wanderer, and bids a cheerful
"hello" to those who embrace it. Sunshine sparkles and smiles
through, but doesn't daunt, this refreshing gale. Ahhh.

What refreshes you today?


  1. Cherry Coke. Always refreshing until you remember how bad they are. :p

    I had one at work with my supper anyway. :p

    I am ashamed, but refreshed. :p
