Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Remember When...Imagine It.

As I sit here, listening to some lovely piano music, I glance at the cover art. It's amazing how a simple
image can transport you back in time. This image happens to be some leafy green trees swooping out
over bushes and green grass, warmed by the glow of a golden sunlight. It pulls me back to when I
was 4-6 years old. I either think of visiting a kind older lady, a friend, or just being at home.
Afternoons consisted of a nap, playtime, and a snack. I would look outside on a green, golden lit
world and joy in either dreaming of or actually playing in it. (By the way, I still firmly believe in such
a routine, no matter how old you are. ;) )

What warm memories delight you today?

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