Sunday, October 14, 2012

Gain Commercial - Revolving Door

For some reason the fact that the poor guy is so irresistably fresh, everybody just about has
their noses pressed to him, and the look on his face, cracks me up immensely. :D

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Fine Summer Breezes

Today I am refreshed and renewed with the excitement of a beautiful day. The sun sparkles on and through everything. The temps are in the 80's, and the wind is balmy and refreshing. I love how said wind blows
through my hair as I go about my tasks. Today is a day where I am eager to check the mail or hang out the
laundry. The birds sing and talk to each other as they fly around and go about their chores. They love this
day too, and it shows.

The leaves dance. Everything is so alive, green, and colorful. The peonies nod in agreement, and the iris
sway in unison. How glorious! I feel like my batteries are recharged from the sun. It makes me happy.
I'm eager to soak it all up and get my tan. Summer is pretty much here.

More importantly, however, is the unexplainable joy that the Lord has seen fit to bless me with today.

Time to hang out some more laundry!

How have you been given joy today?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Earthy, Artisanal, and Mysterious: Imagine It.

Today I find myself very much in the mood for earthy, artisanal, and romantic things. Things that
speak of mystery and intrigue. Think of going into an old opera house just to explore. You find
an old piano and costumes. You wonder who the people were that wore these things, what
their lives were like, and how they would have felt dressing up in these garments. The colors
are gold, burgundy, burnt orange, black, mustard yellow, and chocolate brown...maybe with a
hint of luminous spring green touched by light golden yellow. Everything is warm, intriguing, and
inspiring. Think masquerades. Who played the piano? What was it like? You let your imagination
wander to the wonderful things that could have taken place in that room.

Other than that the more urban side is fascinating...scuffed black jeans and dark jackets and tops.
Women with blonde hair done big in the front with a chignon in the back, accented by hairsticks
or headbands. Men in their aviator shades with short hair tousled in the front, their faces shadowed
from lack of a razor. Everything is rugged, chic, elegant, or combination of suave and rustic...think
high heels and black ankle boots, or leather and pearls.

A mysterious evening out on the town, city lights and cool breezes tease you. There are friends
waiting to be made, discoveries yet to be had. Someone is wearing cologne with spices in it, and
the smell of exhaust and smoke mingles with the spice and cool of the evening. You go to a coffee
house, and the warm nuttiness of espresso reaches out and embraces you. Good conversation
and company are enjoyed by you and your friends. City lights twinkle around you.

Embrace mystery, wonder, and warmth. What intrigues you today?