Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Childlike Wonder

Do you ever pause in complete awe over the little things? I do. It's just who I am.
Here are some things that fascinate me:

~*~Blue skies with fluffy/streaky clouds drifting along.
~*~Sun shining on bubbles so that rainbows dance across their surfaces.
~*~ Rainbows.
~*~ Inky black silhouettes of trees against a golden/peach/orange/hot pink/purple sunset--they
        look like lace. It's breathtaking!
~*~Bubbles in soda pop. When light shines through a clear cup filled with soda all bubbles dancing and
      popping, it looks so luminous and sparkly.
~*~How remarkably soft cats and fuzzy socks are!
~*~How intricate and awesome a newborn baby is.
~*~ How sweet and incredible it is to make someone truly smile or laugh. Pure sunshine.
~*~Good humor.
~*~Cartoons--can you fathom how much work goes into them? Amazing!
~*~When tickets get rung up three times in a row with the same total and change, or when a
       ticket comes out even. Bizarre!
~*~Balmy breezes that kiss your face and caress the rest of you.
~*~A dry grin.
~*~Poetry--it's the lace form of words, both intricate and beautiful.
~*~Eyes--they're like jewels.
~*~A sweet temperament.
~*~Gentle music.
~*~A drop of dew on a blade of grass or flower.
~*~Peonies--they're so fluffy!
~*~How complex and unique God made each person.
~*~A moon and star filled night sky. It glows.
~*~God's goodness.

What fascinates you today?


  1. Love all of these thoughts! How beautiful. Sometimes I make lists like these. We have much in common :-)

  2. Animal Textures fascinate me. Feathers, Scales, Shells, Fur. And it's not just animals. I like looking at all sorts of things up close. That's why I bought my Macro lens for my camera. I love looking at tiny things made huge. There's so much detail that we never see!

  3. I love peonies! We used to have them at our house when I was little and my dad always took photgraphs of me with the flowers. :) Good memories.

    Things that fascinate me: haunting and intricate melodies, the way fingers fly over piano keys without making a mistake, delicate and unique singing voices, imagination, tiny babies.....even before they leave the amazing!, miniatures, other people's art, and the way that God works in our lives when we least expect it. :)

  4. I forgot poetry. :) Mostly the kind that is not so much rhyming as flowing with a good "feel" behind it.
