Saturday, April 30, 2011

Why aurorapixieshappyplace?

I was just asked why I named this blog the way I did. Well, I've always loved Disney's "Sleeping Beauty", whose princess' name happens to be Aurora. Also, the Aurora Borealis is a breathtaking sight that I have
only seen through pictures, TV, computers, etc... Pixie is for my fascination of the little whimsical creatures
known as faeries. Not your typical Tinker Bell, mind you, but the really ethereal and beautiful flightly little
schemers that you find in Irish faerie tales. Have you ever wondered who the first person was to
imagine these into being? I do. In fact, I was just musing on this earlier today. Also, I think you can tell
that I want this to be a place that makes not only myself, but those who visit smile and laugh. :)

Here's what has to be my favorite song from "Sleeping Beauty":
Don't you just love the little woodland creatures that dance and hop about? :)

Who is your favorite Disney character(s)? Do you ever ponder faeries?

1 comment:

  1. My very first favorite Disney character, back when I was really little was Bambi. My newest favorite is Pascal. :) I have so many other favorites, I doubt I can name them all, but I'll list a few.

    Aladdin, Stitch, Belle, Flynn Rider, these are just the first few that popped immediately into my head. I have many favorites. Also, if you want my favorite villains, I'm going to have to say Maleficent and Ursula. No one can top them for evilness. :)

    And this is only including the basic animation canon of films. I'm not including Pixar or live action films, because the list would get infinitely longer. I am a true dizgeek. :)
