Friday, September 30, 2011

Autumnal Happy Thoughts/Beautiful Things

Here are some happy thoughts of late~

~A gracious spirit.
~A warm, infectious smile.
~A deep, sparkling joy that only God can provide.
~Anything floral~Wildflowers, clothes, hair pieces, journals, and jewelry.
~Hanging clothes out on the line, then experiencing the freshness afterwards.
~Lace, always lace.
~Clear blue skies filled with fluffy white clouds and pure, golden sunshine.
~Autumnal leaves in hues of gold, rust, plum, and wine.
~Pumpkin~pies, bars, pumpkin spice lattes, cheesecake, etc.
~Apples~cider, crisp, and pie.
~Thick, cable knit sweaters.
~Praying by the riverside.
~My deep red boots with the buttons up the sides.

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