Friday, September 30, 2011

God's Encouragement in the Small Things

Do you ever have days where you doubt yourself and your aspirations? I don't know of
anyone who doesn't have those off-days when discouragement sets in. However, if we
stop and look around us, God whispers to us in some of the most unexpected ways. I
can be in a gift shop, and there will be something with a Scripture verse or an inspirational
quote that leaps out at me. More often than not I am not even looking for something
to supply my need at the moment. It was placed there for a reason. God knew I would need
it to be there when I looked up at that very moment.

Today's encouragement was handed off to me by Gramma in the form of a Dove chocolate.
It reads simply: "Keep believing in yourself and your dreams."

So, you out there. Are you doubting what God has in store for your life? We all have those days,
don't we? We all need to be reminded on a regular basis that, even when things don't go the way
we planned, that God has our best interest at heart. It's always hard when you're in the moment.
Keep in mind Jeremiah 29:11 which reads:

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm
you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Believe that God will help you to be all that you need to be in every moment that He gives you!

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