Thursday, July 25, 2013

Imagine It: Uninhibited Flight Through Galaxies

I'm floating, flying through galaxies. Refreshing winds blow
about and support me. Everything is black--no, now there's a puff
of purple, a splash of magenta, and a dash of blue. I pick up
speed. Nothing is impossible as I soar through the stars and
let my imagination run wild.

I spin, dip, and lay on my back as I coast each current that comes
my way. It's all so amazing! I'm released into a state of

Now things are zooming in. I'm hitting the speed of light.
Streaks of magenta and white stream passed me, then blue,
into more sparkling black skies. Now I'm seeing a haze
of gold into more magenta. I slow down. I coast. I float. I'm still.
I pause in awe of the stars and planets as they orbit.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Fragrance of the Moment: Jewel by Mark

So this summer I've been more in the mood for what I would normally
consider an autumnal fragrance. I discovered, however, that it really does
suit a summer day more often than not. I've had it for several years, and
have been enjoying it immensely of late.

Jewel's notes include: Casablanca lily, macchiato flower, warm vanilla
and liquid caramel. I would say it's very sweet, feminine, and warm.

Close Window
Interested? You can find some here. : )

Imagine It: Sunset Beach

Today in my imagination vacation I am going away to the beach. Soft zephyrs stir 
teal and aqua colored waters as they lap at the shore. The shore is golden, tan, 
and brown. I look up at the sky. It's as if God has taken a large paint brush with
watercolor paints and washed the sky in a gradation (bottom to top) of 
mandarin orange, peach, and pink smeared with sky blue and teal. I'm in a breezy
sundress, strappy sandals in hand as I let the powder soft sand seep between my
toes. I'm off to walk the length of the beach as I allow it all to sink in.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


I can see her now. A girl of ten dressed in a
fluffy white dress with short sleeves, and a hem
billowing around her knees. Golden blonde curls
frame her joyful little face, then tumble down
around her slender shoulders. Her countenance
is jubilant and liberated.

The day is deliciously good-sunshine warming
sky and earth with its cheerful glow. The rays
of this fiery orb are sheer liquid radiance. Come
away with this young girl and drink of what she
has to offer. Arms lifted high, she runs, skips,
and twirls through a meadow filled with long,
flowing grasses that wave and dance in the balmy
breezes. Her eyes twinkle with peace and
merriment. She has cast her care to the wind. She
is in her own rich, imaginative fairy tale.
She is carefree.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Grey Blue, Taupe, and Cherry Red

Hm, so what colors have I been craving this summer? Taupe, grey blue, and cherry red.

Taupe is very earthy, natural, and soothing. It's reminiscent of tree bark, driftwood, and
80's neutrals. It goes very well with my coloring, so that's a plus.

Grey blue is like a moody sea under an overcast sky. It's restless, yet it's relaxing as it ebbs
and splashes.

Cherry red is very, very cheerful. It's the perfect pop of color to go with the above neutrals.

What colors inspire you today?

Twilight Faerie Whimsy

Hues ranging from pink, blue, and lavender
creep up the serene sky as the earth succumbs
to twilight. Balmy breezes blow, and a
smattering of stars peek through the onset of
eventide. This is what dreams are made of.

Faeries lurk in their tiny homes waiting
for their rendezvous. Moonlight peers out from
above the sunset. Tall grasses wave
their greeting to the luminous orb as he smiles
down on them. Flowers lift up their essence as
a sweet offering of hospitality
to happy wanderers. Millions of fireflies dance
amidst all of it.

Trees reach up in inky black, lacey silhouettes
against the last hurrah of flaming pink sky.
The sun is going on holiday.

There they go! Did you see it? A turn of a
silvery faerie wing against an indigo sky,
tilted just so that the moonlight gilds it
ever-so-slightly. Soon you see another, and
another. They want to experience each blossom,
bud, and mysterious light sensation. They dance,
they fly. Each little faerie dressed to impress,
with the finest of silks, leaves, and tiny blooms
to adorn them. They are carefree, for where they
are is free from turbulence. ~*~

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Gain Commercial - Revolving Door

For some reason the fact that the poor guy is so irresistably fresh, everybody just about has
their noses pressed to him, and the look on his face, cracks me up immensely. :D