Thursday, May 5, 2011

Earth and Air

Here are today's happy thoughts.

~I love our coffee shop and how warm and earthy it is.
~I love a good cup of coffee. Not just regular coffee, but gourmet.
~A good, rigorous walk in the fresh air of Spring.
~Just how light and pure the blue of the sky is.
~I admire the silver-lined cumulous clouds in all of their fluffy glory.
~Long sleeved, stretchy, white lace top.
~I adore the little pink rhinestone owl necklace that I just bought.
~Chubby, rosy cheeked little girls who look up with their doll-like
eyes and say "please" and "thank you" with a smile shyly tugging at
the corner of rosebud lips.
~Old, black neighbor dog that greets with wagging tail.
~Fluffy collie dogs with gentle brown eyes.

What's your happy thought today?

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