Monday, May 2, 2011


Today's happy thought? Friends! I am so very thankful for them. Honestly, what would we do with
out them? So here's a shout out to those who are near and dear. I tried to come up with a good video
or picture and quote, but have come up with simply the words that I am typing at the moment. But
really, here are some good examples. Be sure and explore these treasures.:)

~Lucy and Ethel from the "I Love Lucy" show
~Winnie the Pooh and Piglet
~Frodo and Sam
~Anne Blythe and Diana Barry
~The kids on the cartoon "Recess"

I can't express enough how precious some of my friends are. I praise
the Lord that He has put you into my life to add some sunshine. I pray He
blesses you in His awesome way for the love, strength, jolly, and loyal
support that you all have given me.

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