Friday, September 30, 2011

God's Encouragement in the Small Things

Do you ever have days where you doubt yourself and your aspirations? I don't know of
anyone who doesn't have those off-days when discouragement sets in. However, if we
stop and look around us, God whispers to us in some of the most unexpected ways. I
can be in a gift shop, and there will be something with a Scripture verse or an inspirational
quote that leaps out at me. More often than not I am not even looking for something
to supply my need at the moment. It was placed there for a reason. God knew I would need
it to be there when I looked up at that very moment.

Today's encouragement was handed off to me by Gramma in the form of a Dove chocolate.
It reads simply: "Keep believing in yourself and your dreams."

So, you out there. Are you doubting what God has in store for your life? We all have those days,
don't we? We all need to be reminded on a regular basis that, even when things don't go the way
we planned, that God has our best interest at heart. It's always hard when you're in the moment.
Keep in mind Jeremiah 29:11 which reads:

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm
you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Believe that God will help you to be all that you need to be in every moment that He gives you!

Autumnal Happy Thoughts/Beautiful Things

Here are some happy thoughts of late~

~A gracious spirit.
~A warm, infectious smile.
~A deep, sparkling joy that only God can provide.
~Anything floral~Wildflowers, clothes, hair pieces, journals, and jewelry.
~Hanging clothes out on the line, then experiencing the freshness afterwards.
~Lace, always lace.
~Clear blue skies filled with fluffy white clouds and pure, golden sunshine.
~Autumnal leaves in hues of gold, rust, plum, and wine.
~Pumpkin~pies, bars, pumpkin spice lattes, cheesecake, etc.
~Apples~cider, crisp, and pie.
~Thick, cable knit sweaters.
~Praying by the riverside.
~My deep red boots with the buttons up the sides.


I realize that I am NOT a mother...I am, however, the oldest child in my family. I've also
paid really close attention to the roles that mothers play in the lives of their families. As
my own mother is on a vacation for a few weeks visiting her parents, I have thought even
more in depth about the important position of wife and mother. Whoever thinks mothers
hardly do anything is confused or uninformed! I have gained a deeper appreciation and
respect for mothers in general, and especially for the lady friends that God has allowed me
to be with. I am also appreciative for the experience that He is giving me in being able to assist
in this type of role, whether it be at home, with friends, or at church.

Read on to see what kind of a resume I think mothers should be allowed to
have (give or take whatever does or doesn't apply).


~Waitress/Cooking Manager
~Taxi Service
~U.S. Postal Delivery Woman
~Day Care Director
~Financial Aid Consultant

THANK YOU MOTHERS! What would we do without you?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

European Fanta!

Ok, so I'm not just a little obsessed with this awesome beverage. Could it be nectar from
above? Has it really surpassed my coffee passion? Oh my stars! I daydream often about
the luxury that I experienced in Europe. Trust me, I love my coffee just as much as ever~
but FANTA! ... I've only tried lemon and orange, but would dearly love to try the other
flavors below!

So a cousin of mine linked me to an source where you can get it imported.
They only have it in stock at certain times, so I sign up to be notified when they have it.
I haven't buckled down and gotten any...YET. But let me just show you some of the options.
Fanta Fruit Twist:
Imported from Britain.

Shokata (Elderberry lemon):
Fanta Shokata (Elderberry-Lemon) Soda, 0.5L
Imported from Europe.
Fanta Cherry Soda 2L
Product of Serbia.
Fanta Exotic 2L
Product of Macedonia.
Fanta Mandarin Soda, 2L
Imported from Europe.
Cream Soda:
Imported from Canada.
Fanta Lemon 1L
Product of Serbia.
Orange (ADORE!!!):
Fanta Orange Soda, 0.5L
Imported from Europe.
It's nothing like what you can get in the USA; so if you ever get the chance to travel, or you just want
to try something novel, I highly encourage you to sample this amazing beverage! Enjoy! :)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

"Es aprotu mazliet Latvijas." >" I understand a little Latvian."

One of my happy thoughts lately has been the Latvian language. The way it sounds. The rythm
that it makes when you speak it. The accent. I had no idea just how much I would like this
language. As I stayed in Latvia for a month, I learned many words. I didn't realize just how many
until I got home and typed out all that I could remember. In the middle of different conversations
I would be having with various people I would be like "Oh! I still need to add THAT one to my

As my visit to Latvia proved to be one of the most wonderful things I have ever experienced,
I want to learn more of the language as I aspire another visit. I want to be able to see the Latvian
people grin with delight as an American visitor greets them in their language. :) (Not that I haven't
experienced this already...I just want to do it in a more advanced way.)

My latest accomplishment is: "Es priecajos tevi redzet!" > "I'm happy to see you!"

I think that the above statement captures the overall sound of the Latvian language.

For a sample, you can check out this YouTube video that I've been using to add to my