Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy Music: John H. Clarke

John H. Clarke is an amazing Spanish/Classical guitarist. Watch his face,
his body language. His music is who he is. They are one. Isn't it great?!:)

Be sure to check out his site:

Here's one of his first videos:

Check out his youtube channel here.

Here's a more recent video:
This is another that will get your toes to tapping:

Check it out!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Chewy, Chewy, Gummy, Gummy!

Wow, am I ever in the mood for chewy and gummy food! For some reason it brings me great
happiness just to be able to experience the textured chew, sweetness, saltiness, and sour by turn.

My mum and I were at the grocery store tonight. I had the option of buying yet another beauty
product, or buying some snacks in the checkout. Well...the snacks won. I bought a long stick
of  beef jerky,

gummy lifesavers,

 and sour patch kids.

I could also go for some Black Forest Gummy Bears. :) My cousin brought some over last week.

They were delish!

What kind of snack are you craving today?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Today's Colors: Robin's Egg Blue and Rust

Today I'm wearing my new thrift store find: an Aeropostale t-shirt in robin's egg
blue that reads 1987 boldly across the front. The numbers look distressed,
and are a shade of ivory. This was a good year for me. :) I happened to be born
that year.

Here's the color. You can find the source here.

Another color (as mentioned above) that goes really well with this is rust. This
happens to be the color of the skirt that I am wearing. Here's the source for
this swatch.

Now isn't that refreshing? It's like a warm day on the beach. :) What color(s) are
you in the mood for today? What happy thoughts do they evoke?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy Thought: Gorgeous Market Cart!

As I am planning on traveling to Europe this summer with my dear friend
and her baby, I was thinking about getting a backpack as a carry-on.
God provided one that looks like it was made just for me. The colors.
The roses. My friend recommended that I get one with wheels. Guess what?
It has wheels! And it was on sale! Thank you, Lord! :)

Here's this gorgeous market cart, courtesy of Victorian Trading Co.

Today's Laughing Moments:Bricks and Dinos

I just thought I would share a couple of things that crack me up almost
every time I see them. :)

I think that, because this is SO random and the sound effects so unexpected,
it totally cracked me up. This comes from an episode of Phineas and Ferb:

The next one is from "Meet the Robinsons". The dinosaur looks so ferocious until
he meets his limits. Again, the unexpected humor hits me every time. :D Note: the
tiny bowler on his head is the icing on the cake. :))

Friday, May 20, 2011

Artsy Tartsy :)

I was just musing on some more happy thoughts. What sounds cozy to me tonight?

Keep reading.

~Art museums.
~A large cup of luminous tea with comrades.
~Taking a walk with friends along a cobbled street.
~Just being me.
~Drawing a detailed, down to earth portait of something
unexpected and fun, like a girl leaping with a bundle of
balloons, or someone peaking up over sipping coffee from
a large mug.
~Sunshine on red brick walls.

What inspires you today?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Today's Happy Thought:Chocolate Covered What?

Koppers chocolate covered gummy bears ! It's the best of both gummy and chocolate worlds. : )
Seriously, these are addicting. My sister bought some of these for me, and I have to use self control
not to eat my whole 7.5 oz bag at once. : )

Aren't they cute?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Random Things That Make Me Laugh

Here are some random things that make me laugh:

~Random sound effects.
~Just how cute some people can be without knowing it.
~Chipmunk voices.
~How unexpectedly high or hard a bounce on a trampoline
can be.
~A dogs perky ears and beady little eyes looking curiously
through a window.
~Eyebrow wiggles.
~A grin with a crinkled up nose and twinkling eyes.

What random thing makes you laugh today?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Coral, Dusty Rose, Sand, and Red Clay Colors

This weekend coral, dusty rose, sand, and red clay colors have been
among my happy thoughts. They are warm, sunny, and welcoming. It
makes me want to go out in the sunshine, kick off my shoes, and walk
barefoot along some sandy shore. I want to smile and walk briskly with

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mauve, Teal, and Warm Gray

Last night and this morning I was watching Giada's cooking show that she had done up for Mother's Day.
She was all done up in shades of mauve, plum, and gray one moment; the next, teal and white. The
combination of that and the springy green landscape backdrop for a breezy Mother's Day picnic
warmed my spirit. How lovely!

As inspired as I feel, I felt it necessary to don some shades from my "Island Breeze" quad by Avon.

My fragrance of the moment? "Wild Honeysuckle" from Bath and Body Works. It's all flowers
and sunshine in a bottle. My sister gave me a miniature bottle of this some time ago. It just hits the
spot lately. The product description is this: Master perfumers have combined notes of jasmine, violet, fresh
honeydew and cassis for this alluring fine fragrance interpretation of wildflowers dancing in spring rain.

What warms your heart today?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Today's laughing moment: Jeffery is Bored

I wouldn't welcome a ghost into my home...but the rest of this had me doubled over in stitches!

Thanks to Julian Smith for his hilarious contribution to the world!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Earth and Air

Here are today's happy thoughts.

~I love our coffee shop and how warm and earthy it is.
~I love a good cup of coffee. Not just regular coffee, but gourmet.
~A good, rigorous walk in the fresh air of Spring.
~Just how light and pure the blue of the sky is.
~I admire the silver-lined cumulous clouds in all of their fluffy glory.
~Long sleeved, stretchy, white lace top.
~I adore the little pink rhinestone owl necklace that I just bought.
~Chubby, rosy cheeked little girls who look up with their doll-like
eyes and say "please" and "thank you" with a smile shyly tugging at
the corner of rosebud lips.
~Old, black neighbor dog that greets with wagging tail.
~Fluffy collie dogs with gentle brown eyes.

What's your happy thought today?

Monday, May 2, 2011


Today's happy thought? Friends! I am so very thankful for them. Honestly, what would we do with
out them? So here's a shout out to those who are near and dear. I tried to come up with a good video
or picture and quote, but have come up with simply the words that I am typing at the moment. But
really, here are some good examples. Be sure and explore these treasures.:)

~Lucy and Ethel from the "I Love Lucy" show
~Winnie the Pooh and Piglet
~Frodo and Sam
~Anne Blythe and Diana Barry
~The kids on the cartoon "Recess"

I can't express enough how precious some of my friends are. I praise
the Lord that He has put you into my life to add some sunshine. I pray He
blesses you in His awesome way for the love, strength, jolly, and loyal
support that you all have given me.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

When was the last time you blew a bubble?

Wasn't blowing a bubble with gum one of the most wonderful things you could do as a child?
Or rather, rate on the top 20...give or take. Anyway, I remember when I was little, my mum
taught me how to blow a bubble with watermelon bubble gum. It was wonderful! Such a fresh,
sweet flavor; not to mention that finally succeeding with the actual bubble was sweet, too.
Recently I impulsively bought a pack of strawberry bubble gum, and went to town. I've even
dared to share a couple of pieces with a girlfriend who was just as delighted as I.

Some of the best flavors, I think, include regular bubble gum flavor, cotton candy, grape, strawberry,
and watermelon. So, what are you waiting for? Give yourself permission to indulge a little, and dip into
that happy thought. Whether you've chewed a piece recently or haven't for years, I recommend it. :)