Saturday, April 30, 2011

Why aurorapixieshappyplace?

I was just asked why I named this blog the way I did. Well, I've always loved Disney's "Sleeping Beauty", whose princess' name happens to be Aurora. Also, the Aurora Borealis is a breathtaking sight that I have
only seen through pictures, TV, computers, etc... Pixie is for my fascination of the little whimsical creatures
known as faeries. Not your typical Tinker Bell, mind you, but the really ethereal and beautiful flightly little
schemers that you find in Irish faerie tales. Have you ever wondered who the first person was to
imagine these into being? I do. In fact, I was just musing on this earlier today. Also, I think you can tell
that I want this to be a place that makes not only myself, but those who visit smile and laugh. :)

Here's what has to be my favorite song from "Sleeping Beauty":
Don't you just love the little woodland creatures that dance and hop about? :)

Who is your favorite Disney character(s)? Do you ever ponder faeries?

Friday, April 29, 2011

Stanley Steemer Alpaca Ad

As the TV was set to the Food Network, this advertisement came on. The total
randomness of the whole thing, plus the look on the alpaca's face, sent me into
gales of laughter. You all know what it's like to face the realty of cleaning up after
animals little mishaps. Talk about looking at the situation optimistically. :)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Spring Scents and Colors

Spring is in the air! Ooooh, can't wait. Here are some fragrances and colors that put me in mind
of Spring:

I have the knock-off of this one:

I found this bottle on The notes include: fresh rose, ginger, marigold, violet, oakmoss and
musk. Like I said, I have the imitation. It's a light floral that's perfect for a breezy spring evening.

I was sent a sample of the above perfume with a gift that I had ordered for a friend. You can find this
on or It is a floral that starts out fresh and crisp, then mellows into
what I would describe as beautiful mystery. It's recommended for day wear, but I think it would be lovely
to wear out in the evening, as well.

For some reason this classic scent, introduced in 1974, is recommended for evening wear. I've generally
thought of it as a day scent, myself. Either way, I love this fragrance! It has powdery florals mixed with
woods and musk. It's very sweet, soft, fresh, and clean. You can also get this from the sources sited above.
Mine came from Wal-Mart.:)

This fragrance hails from Bath and Body Works. It's a romantic scent that includes garden lavender,
roses, violets, and musk. The picture above is the one that I own. This particular packaging has been
discontinued. The fragrance, however, continues to grace the shelves in an all new bottle and box.

 Rare Pearls is an Avon fragrance. This Eau De Parfum sports elegance in its every note which includes:
 rosewood, plum, honey, pepper, magnolia, musk, sandalwood, and patchouli. I have to say that the most
prominent note is magnolia.

What colors put me in mind of spring? Airy whites, lavenders, baby pinks, powder blues, mauve, aqua,
and dove gray. All I need now is a long, flowy taupe skirt, white chiffon blouse, and a long scarf for my
hair. Set me walking in a soft breeze and I've got it made!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Childlike Wonder

Do you ever pause in complete awe over the little things? I do. It's just who I am.
Here are some things that fascinate me:

~*~Blue skies with fluffy/streaky clouds drifting along.
~*~Sun shining on bubbles so that rainbows dance across their surfaces.
~*~ Rainbows.
~*~ Inky black silhouettes of trees against a golden/peach/orange/hot pink/purple sunset--they
        look like lace. It's breathtaking!
~*~Bubbles in soda pop. When light shines through a clear cup filled with soda all bubbles dancing and
      popping, it looks so luminous and sparkly.
~*~How remarkably soft cats and fuzzy socks are!
~*~How intricate and awesome a newborn baby is.
~*~ How sweet and incredible it is to make someone truly smile or laugh. Pure sunshine.
~*~Good humor.
~*~Cartoons--can you fathom how much work goes into them? Amazing!
~*~When tickets get rung up three times in a row with the same total and change, or when a
       ticket comes out even. Bizarre!
~*~Balmy breezes that kiss your face and caress the rest of you.
~*~A dry grin.
~*~Poetry--it's the lace form of words, both intricate and beautiful.
~*~Eyes--they're like jewels.
~*~A sweet temperament.
~*~Gentle music.
~*~A drop of dew on a blade of grass or flower.
~*~Peonies--they're so fluffy!
~*~How complex and unique God made each person.
~*~A moon and star filled night sky. It glows.
~*~God's goodness.

What fascinates you today?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Barbie Pinks know the kind of pinks that are all candy/girly/80's? I'm all for that right now.

Shellsea from the cartoon "Fish Hooks" is such a diva--she's all that is glam, hilarious, and pink.
 Here's a clip from the episode "Fish Sleepover Party". It has my fave quotes from Shellsea.:)
I just bought this vintage Totally Hair Barbie. Isn't she sweet?

I bought this lipstick off of Amazon. It makes my lips look just like Barbie's.

All these, a bright pink peony, and a magenta sweater dress would do the trick.:)

Muppets: Something Sweet

Doesn't Danny just make you smile?