Friday, August 19, 2011

Catching up...again.

Sooo....another week is just about over, and I'm playing catch up again.

Monday was mostly spent getting ready for Gundar and Kathy's arrival.
Tuesday Elizabeth and I went to the market in Riga, then to the airport to wait
for Gundar and Kathy's arrival. They had a long, difficult trip as they had some
difficulty with a delayed flight, then missed their next plane. They had to wait for
another plane that would bring them to Riga. Originally scheduled to arrive at
11:00 in the morning, they didn't arrive until after 4:00. Elizabeth and I did lunch,
browsed magazines, had coffee, and visited all in the airport while we waited. It
was truly a pleasure to see Gundar and Kathy arrive safely!
Wednesday Kathy, Elizabeth, Rachel, Ariana and I did some more serious
shopping at some malls in Riga. I was worn out. I actually tired of shopping
that day!
Thursday the family and I went out to eat for Gundar and Kathy's 39th
wedding anniversary.
Friday (today) I wandered into Ogre with Rachel to a coupla large shopping centers,
came back and chilled here at the house.
Tomorrow looks like we're going to have some family cousins come to visit, then
*may* head back to Riga for some last-minute souvenir shopping.

Have a good day everyone!

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