Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Turaida Castle Pt. 1

Elizabeth and I were the ones to trek into this castle after Matthew, Rachel, and I had done the rope course.
Sorry, I don't have any pictures of that particular venture at the moment...but let's just say that those who
know Rachel can see pictures on her Facebook. You'll see just what a daredevil I was.:p Matthew and
Rachel were the most daring and conquered the 3rd level while I backed down. The first 2 levels were
enough for me. I had a blast and would actually dare to at least do the first 2 levels over again.

Anyway...here're pictures of the castle, me, and Elizabeth.:)

I'm wonder woman! Wait...it's attached to the wall.

The original in-floor heating.

I thought of my dad when I observed all of this.

1 comment:

  1. You're hilarious, Wonder Woman. :)
    Loved these pictures. This place looks amazing. I never saw any of these from Rachel, but I did see the rope course. I wrote that I would need quite a bit of peer pressure before I'd attempt something like that. :p
