Monday, August 15, 2011

Cesis Castle Pt. 1

Matthew and I were given the go-ahead as Rachel and Elizabeth had already seen the castle.
Matthew brandishing our lantern.

Front view.

According to all appearance and pictures, I assume that this is an outdoor oven. Pretty sweet. I wouldn't mind having some smoked meat from there, or a loaf of bread for that matter.:)

A place to vent. :p

I thought this swing was cool.

More castle ruins.

A tent with a spread of chairs. Looks to me like someone is ready either for a concert, a speech, or a reception.

Matthew looking epic as he dares to traverse the unknown.

Me looking not-so-epic...but I still think all of this is cool!

I found it interesting that this had wood and stone combined.

So interesting...a glowing passage. This looks like something you would imagine from a novel.

This ceiling made me exclaim in awe.
More soon!


  1. I love all of these pictures,and I love the way you tell the story of the pictures! Looks like great fun! Thanks for sharing!

  2. This makes me wish even more that I was there! These are so cool! I love that ceiling!
