Thursday, August 11, 2011

In Latvia pt. 3

So...I'm playing catch-up again. I'm so sorry...I keep forgetting my camera when I go
to these epic places! Thankfully Rachel and Matthew are usually very handy with theirs.
That shouldn't be an excuse, though. I will try to be better about it this weekend.

To go over what this week has been like, I will start with Monday. We went shopping
in Ogre, then after lunch I went back to the little art store with Elizabeth. That
evening we had Artis, Ieva, and their son Adrian for supper. That was nice.:) Ieva is
very interesting. She knows several languages, and she and Artis have done some
travelling. That usually intrigues me. Ieva (pronounced Yeh-va, I believe) taught
me how to say "It was nothing" in Latvian. My Latvian knowledge is consistently
growing. A word here, a phrase there. It's fascinating.

Tuesday we went to see a palace. That was very grand. I felt like I had stepped into
a Jane Austen movie. The ballroom made me want to dress up in period clothing
and get a ball together. I wanted to fill the room with couples and beautiful music.
Another stunning thing about this place was the garden. (Pictures later.)

Yesterday we mainly hung around the house and worked on taking it easy before the
next round of activities kicks in. I took a walk by myself for the very first time which
seemed to be very shocking to Elizabeth, Matthew, and Rachel. :p The evening was
spent helping take care of the children. Daniel and Amelija wanted Matthew the most,
though, until it was time to go to bed. Elizabeth was at church most of the evening.

Today is another day for relaxation.

Have a blessed day, everyone!

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