Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Thoughts on Cars in Latvia

I've been observing the cars here in Latvia. It's very interesting to me to see that the colors are very
neutral, and never seem really to be flashy at all. I've seen a lot of gray, white, black, brick red, forest
green, and the random calm blue. The only kind of trucks you'll see are ones that carry cargo. I don't
think I've seen a pickup truck at all. The reason for this is economy.

I've seen a lot of Volkswagons, Hondas, Lexus, and the occasional Ford (that surprised me). I'm
not exactly sure what all else they have here, yet. No matter what, though, they have a distinctive shape.

Perhaps I'll try and get a picture for you on here sometime.


  1. I also noticed a very soft yellow van last night. I found that to be rather novel.

  2. I'm shocked at the severe lack of monster trucks.

