Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Flower from Elina & Flowers from the Market

Here're some flowers for your viewing pleasure! :)
Elizabeth has taught me the Latvian tradition of bestowing a flower on a guest. She gave me a rose when
I first got here, then Elina gave me this flower when she came to visit. It touched my heart. I thought it was
so sweet of her.

Aren't they scrumptious?

I ended up giving a couple of these lovely dahlias to some other guests of ours, Liga and Leanora.
I was pleased I could do it for them.:)


  1. MMmmmmm...Love those flowers! What are the little purple,white,and yellow ones?
    What a nice tradition! :-)

  2. Scrumptious?! You ATE them?! :p

    You should wear one in your hair. :)

  3. I'm writing on behalf of Caramela...She has been following your blog,and she wants you to know,that she LOVES it!!!!! :-)

  4. Thanks! I've also gotten some really nice little notes from her. ;)

  5. Oh, another thing...I don't know what kind of flowers the other ones are.
