Friday, August 5, 2011

Of Forests, Pomp, and Circumstance are the pictures as I promised. These ones will be from my outings on Wednesday.



Rachel and Ariana.

Amazing trees!

Smile! Oops...sorry. I pressed the button a little late, Matthew.
I love this butterfly! So gorgeous.

Matthew and I filled this bowl with blueberries.

From left to right: Me, Rachel and Matthew all dressed up for the ballet. Matthew's in his "Nutcracker" stance.


  1. Ah, so THAT'S what he's doing! :p Rachel posted that last picture to facebook and I commented that it looked like he was being forced against his will to attend the ballet. :)

    Great pictures! :)

  2. I love the way that you posted these pictures.
    The forest looks quite beautiful. It must have been a lot of fun finding all of those blueberries and mushrooms. What will you make with them?

  3. We've had them mixed with apples in a crisp, on hot cerial, etc. The mushrooms were put in a white sauce of sorts that could be put on whatever you choose. I had some on my potatoes.:)
