Sunday, July 3, 2011

Coffee Shop Blabber

I'm going to blabber on one of my most favorite of places: coffee shops!

Recently I found myself going more often to fast food restaurants for the
past week. Not that that's entirely bad (though some would beg to differ).
I just realised even more how much I love my haunt.

The trendy, the average, and the lower middle classman are probably the
majority of people I observed in these places. You get the occasional
original people in there. However, I have found that the truly diverse and
eclectic can be found in coffee shops and book stores. The atmosphere
is entirely different.

The hum of the coffee machines, the whir of the blenders, the banging of the
espresso press, laid back music on occasion, warm, earthy colors around you,
and the most interesting people that you could possibly study. Now that's
awesome. Seriously. Oh, and did I mention the smells? *Gasps with delight.*

Beans with their intricate, profound aromas reach out and greet you with
a warm "hello". Fruits mingle with this, as do baked goods such as scones,
cinnamon rolls, cookies, and biscotti. MMMMM.

All that is aesthetic and cozy can often times be found in this place. I honestly
think that this is one of God's ways of saying "I love you" on any given day.:)

I have met many of my dearest friends in a coffee shop, and spent many
hours visiting and hanging out there.

What place(s) do you love to haunt?


  1. Before I begin, I must be up front with you, and confess that I'm not really your cousin Jonathan, even though it will say it's him replying to this. I'm just borrowed his screen name to reply, because I don't have my own. I'm sure he won't mind. I'd ask his permission, but I can't, because, well, I'm a ghost, and he can't see me. I just read your blog about places you love to haunt, and I just felt the need to reply. I mostly love to haunt old, crumbling houses. They just seem like the natural place for me to visit you know? I like making friends with the raccoons and squirrels that live in them. Once I even met a bigfoot! But he didn't have THAT big of feet, he was a men's size 12 at best. I also like to haunt the occasional dilapidated barn. Owls are usually pretty hospitable, but cows are never very freindly, so I usually just stick to abandoned barns. Ancient hotels are also great. Anyplace that makes a li'l ol' ghost like me feel at home. :) Sometimes I like more modern places, too. Right now I decided to haunt a coffee shop just like you suggested! I wanted to try some coffee, but when I picked up a mug the barista flipped out and started screaming. As she ran out the door she spilled all the coffee, so I can't try any after all. This place is still great though, even with the unhelpful staff. Know why? It has free Wi-Fi access! I totally logged on right here to reply to you! I don't even need a computer! That's one of the perks of being a ghost you know, internet access without a computer! I can catch all the Wi-Fi signals floating around me! Isn't that great?! OK, well, I guess that's all. I'm going to go haunt YouTube for awhile. As a ghost, I can even get in and haunt the videos themselves! I think I'll go haunt the Annoying Orange for awhile. Maybe I can make friends with some of the millions of ghosts that are already there! A lot of poor fruits have met untimely ends in those videos you know... Well, bye!

  2. BA HA HA! OK, so this really was me. Did I scare you? MWA HA HA! I had so much fun writing that that I'm adapting it into my own blog post. :p It should be up soon. :D

  3. I laughed my way through most of this! XD
    You're so silly, cuz'n.
