Thursday, July 21, 2011

Simply Amazing! Anuna

Have you ever heard of Anuna? If not, you are missing out! I love Celtic music, and
Anuna has some of the oldest sounding Celtic pieces that they have done. Some are
even done in Gaelic, others in Latin or some such older dialogue. *Love!*

Just so you don't miss out, here are some videos to inspire you! At least they inspire me.:)

Here are some where the men are the main singers:

Now to incorporate the women's singing.
This next piece has a woman with an amazing
and powerful voice. Also note that this song is from the 12th century,
and the women have stunning, long hair! I love the medieval flare
with the landscape and cloaks.

What inspires you today?


  1. Mesmerizing. :) Loved these.
    The last one was kind of creepy, but in a good way. Mainly because of the hooded people. Very eerie, but the good kind of eerie, like a suspense movie where you're kind of freaked out, but you love it anyway. :)

  2. I'm so glad you love it! I've had a thing for the hauntingly beautiful since I was a little girl--around 6 yrs. old, I think. :)

    BTW, I noticed that the women were singing in parts of "Hinbarra". :) I love their long, wavy hair!!

  3. I really loved that one too. I thought the cinematography was amazing as well. I loved the location. I watched that one twice. :)

  4. Glad you posted these...Now we can easily give them a listen :-)
