Saturday, July 30, 2011

When in Riga Pt. 1

Our day started out by walking to the station to get a ticket to ride the train.

Then we went shopping in Riga's Central Market.

Dried papaya. I know you want some, Mum.:) I don't know if I'll get back there...We'll see.

Don't you just LOVE these poor blighters? Not really...


  1. Dear Shaina,
    We LOVE these pictures! You all are lovely.
    The little train ticket station is so charming.
    I love the picture of Ariana dreamily smiling in Rachel's arms. I think that the market looks beautiful! It would be so interesting to see all of the beautiful food up close. The bread and desserts looked very lovely. We were charmed by those loaves of bread that look like little bears:-) And yes,I would love to try that papaya,but don't feel obligated to save me any. Just enjoy it!:-)

  2. I totally cracked up over the picture of Ariana zonked out with a big grin on her face. :D
    I saw similar pictures of those fish on Rachel's facebook a little while ago. I wrote, "Poor fish. They found out the hard way that smoking is bad for your health." :p

  3. The bears were actually crackers, or cookies. I just zoomed in on them.

    I love Ariana's smile, too.:)
