Saturday, July 30, 2011

Chocolate Sausage

This isn't at all what it sounds like...Elizabeth taught me how to make this yesterday. Not only that,
but she taught me how to make sushi (don't worry, there was no raw meat in there).

This has candy, cookies, and a chocolate mixture. I have obtained the recipe for future reference.:)

We got to sample some of it last night after it had been in the freezer fo 8 hours. Yum!


  1. Mmmmmm....Can't wait for the time of "future reference"! It looks delicious! And I'm curious...What was in the sushi?

  2. Sushi isn't really raw fish, like everyone thinks. Some sushi is made with raw fish, but from what I understand, it's mainly seaweed and rice with other ingredients.

  3. There was crab meat, cucumber, green pepper, and rice. We mainly dipped them in soy sauce; however, we also had the option of wasabi. I didn't try the wasabi, though.

  4. Wasabi? Don't you mean Pistachio Ice Cream? :D
