Thursday, July 21, 2011

Encouraging Quote From a Commercial

I don't think this was an accident at all. The Lord has ways of encouraging us in the most
unexpected ways. Mine came through an AT&T commercial. I know the quote was meant
to encourage what they have to offer, but it hit me in an entirely different way.

"Rethink possible."

Two little words. Major impact. They can apply to anything! It's so easy to think that
anything you could imagine is impossible. But to look at anything and rethink it as
possible? What optimism! Thanks to the Lord for his uplifting tip for the day. May He
remind us of it often!

1 comment:

  1. Cool blogging, Shaina... I like the "rethink possible" quote and thoughts on it. Nice to also read your perspective about what's going on in Latvia.
