Monday, July 11, 2011

Happy Thought: Countdown to Latvia!

Just 2 more weeks until Rachel, baby Ariana, and I head out to Latvia!
I'm looking forward to spending a month with my dear friends. :)
I still have some practical things I need to shop for. All in time. I can't wait!
The closer it gets, the more excited I am. :):):)


  1. *Three days before Shaina leaves*
    *Shaina sits in front of a clock*
    "Is it time to leave yet? Is it time to leave yet? Is it time to leave yet? Is it time to leave yet? Is it time to leave yet? How 'bout now? How 'bout now? How 'bout now? Now? Can we leave now? WHEN ARE WE LEAVING?!?!"

  2. *Loughs out loud.* I'm too busy to sit in front of the clock. :p It doesn't keep me from thinking about take off, though! :D
