Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Bunny Named Clover

The other night my cousin Joel, sister Sarah, and I were going for a typical summer evening
walk, then took a turn around the yard. As we were doing so, we come upon a baby bunny
casually nibbling over by the field North of our house. Joel decided to see how close he
could get to the little dear, inching step by step. The bunny wasn't scared at all. In fact, the
wee beastie worked on getting closer to him. Sarah and I joined Joel in his observations,
cooing and admiring this little animal almost the whole time. Sarah and Joel agreed that the
bunny's name should be Clover, as his favorite place was in the clover patch. He munched
to his heart's content until it started to rain. It was only then that he dashed into the cornfield.

How darling! What little blessing has God sent your way today?

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