Monday, July 25, 2011

Countdown to Latvia: GO!

We are currently in Chicago having a lovely time. I got to try some Chicago-style pizza.:)

Please continue to pray for our safety as we head out tomorrow. Thanks!


  1. Yay! A mid-trip post! :D Keep posting! :) Remember to fish me out a blue whale as you fly over the ocean! :)

  2. Yay pizza! Have fun. I'm sure the anticipation is building :-)

  3. I'm sure you'd love that.:p It's not going to happen, though. :) Fishing out a blue whale, that is.

  4. Whaaaa...? No blue whale? But I already had his name picked out! I was going to name him Fishy, and keep him in a fishbowl by my bed! Now who am I going to feed this million pounds of whale food that I just bought to? Oh! I know! I'll give it to James and tell him it's a new protein shake! He'll drink that right up!
