Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Happy Thoughts: Color, Coffee, and Continued Countdown :)

Today's colors? Cool and calming gray and bright ocean blue. The sky here in the midwest is
grey with a little blue, and it really makes the grass and the tall cornstalks really glow. Instead
of dwelling on what a downer an overcast day can be, I encourage you to look at how
all of the colors just really stand out against the gray. Look at the pinks, reds, oranges, greens,
and yellows. It's as though they've come alive!

The colors above are what I'm wearing right now. Gray on the bottom, bright ocean blue on top.

I've discovered another coffee "perk". :) Add chocolate milk to freshly brewed coffee for an
instant mocha! Yum.

One week and 6 days to Latvia! :D

1 comment:

  1. Nice thoughts here...I always thought it was lovely when the colors "popped" against an overcast sky,also!
