Sunday, July 31, 2011

Eating in Riga

Fanta's a big deal in Europe. I'm enjoying it every chance I get.:)


Sitting in the coffee place/restaurant.

Rachel commented that the things on the ceiling look like burners from a stove.

When in Riga Pt. 3

Here're some more random pictures of our experiences:

This guy cracked me up.:)

When in Riga Pt. 2

Now you all will get to experience some of the incredible architecture from Riga!

This is a regular exercise while going on any given excursion. This was a trip up the museum steps. Most of the time you'll find ramps for this purpose.

I thought this was cool. A place called "The Coffee Inn".

Wandering around the market place.

Elizabeth being her cute self. :)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

When in Riga Pt. 1

Our day started out by walking to the station to get a ticket to ride the train.

Then we went shopping in Riga's Central Market.

Dried papaya. I know you want some, Mum.:) I don't know if I'll get back there...We'll see.

Don't you just LOVE these poor blighters? Not really...

Pigeons in Riga

I especially thought about you, cuz'n Jonathan, when I cracked up over these eager birds.:D
One was jauntily walking along to some music that a young Latvian man was playing on a
native instrument, and I just had to crack up. Otherwise they're quite the little beggers.:)

Chocolate Sausage

This isn't at all what it sounds like...Elizabeth taught me how to make this yesterday. Not only that,
but she taught me how to make sushi (don't worry, there was no raw meat in there).

This has candy, cookies, and a chocolate mixture. I have obtained the recipe for future reference.:)

We got to sample some of it last night after it had been in the freezer fo 8 hours. Yum!